Complete these next steps as outlined in the Transfer Enrollment Guide (PDF).
Checklist for New Students
- Activate your student accounts
- Review your Transfer Credit Report
- Apply for financial aid
- Apply for NDSU scholarships
- Register for classes
- Apply for reciprocity (Minnesota residents)
- Get your NDSU Card, parking permit and textbooks
- Other requirements
- Send final transcripts
- Review housing options
Viewing the Transfer Credit Report
The Transfer Credit Report will show all the transfer credit that has been processed presently. It will automatically update for any transfer credit received and processed in the future.
Each institution will be listed separately. There may be several lists of institutions and transfer credits. Credits that have been accepted in transfer by NDSU will have “North Dakota State University” listed as the Institution and the Source Institution will be the institution that credits were transferred from.
In the table, the Transfer Term will refer to the term of admission to NDSU, and the Incoming Course is the course from the transfer institution.
Credits for the course we will be awarded based on the amount of credits awarded at the transfer institution. Credits from institutions on the quarter system will be converted to semester credits.
Grades will be listed on the Transfer Credit Report but are not calculated into the cumulative NDSU GPA. They may however be used to determine scholarship or financial aid eligibility and admission into selective programs. The grade awarded will equal the grade earned from the transferring institution, unless there is an adjustment for grades earned on an alternative grading scale to the 4.0 scale used at NDSU. Plus or minus grades will be converted to whole grades.
Detailed information on transfer courses is also available on the Unofficial Transcript in Campus Connection: How to View your Unofficial Transcript – Please make sure to select the “Unoff PDF Transfer Details” option.
Transfer Codes
In the Transfer Credit Report you may see one of the following codes:
Code | Description |
TRNSFR 100 | Transfer Course Evaluation in progress |
TRNSFR 101 | Syllabus needed* |
TRNSFR 102 | Course Description needed* |
TRNSFR 103 | Department Evaluation in progress |
TRNSFR 1XX or 2XX | Free elective, lower level** |
TRNSFR 3XX or 4XX | Free elective, upper level** |
TRNSFR X00 or ENGL DEV or MATH DEV | Remedial course, no credit awarded |
ENGL X00 | Remedial course, no credit awarded – satisfies the pre-requisite for ENGL 110 |
*All syllabi and course descriptions may be submitted in person to the Office of Registration & Records, Ceres Hall 110, or via email to
**Free elective courses may only count toward total credits. Applicability to program requirements will be determined by the academic department of the student’s major.
How to request a re-evaluation of a course
Students may request to have a course equivalency re-evaluated by submitting a copy of the course syllabus to the Office of Registration & Records in person at Ceres Hall 110 or via email to Please include your student ID number and the NDSU course that is most similar.
Viewing the Requirements Report
Tutorial: How to View the Academic Requirements Report
Completed and Satisfied Requirement:
In Progress and Satisfied Requirement:
Not Satisfied Requirement:
Requirements that are listed as Not Satisfied will either indicate the exact course required or a list of courses that would fulfill the requirement.
Important Policies for Transfer Students and Degree Completion
Students are responsible for knowing academic policies that could impact transferability of courses as well as degree completion. Assistance with these questions and concerns can be directed to the Office of Registration and Records.
The Undergraduate Degree and Graduation Information policy can be found in our NDSU Catalog.
Credits at a Four-Year Institution:
Students with transfer credit from another institution must earn a minimum of 60 semester credits from a baccalaureate-degree granting or professional institution. Of these, at least 36 must be NDSU residence credits as defined below. Within these 36 resident credits, minimum requirements include 15 semester credits in courses numbered 300 or above (36 upper-level credits must still be earned in total) and 15 semester credits in the major field of study.
Residency Credits:
Residence credits include credits registered and paid for at NDSU. These may include courses offered on the NDSU campus or Tri-College. At least 36 credits must be NDSU resident credits.
Upper Division Credits:
At least 36 of the credits presented for graduation must be in courses taken at the 300 and 400 level.
General Education Waiver:
Students that have completed an Associate of Science or Associate of Arts will have the lower general education requirements waived, but will still be required to take an Upper Division Writing Requirement as determined by their program and may have specific general education courses that are required by their program. A program adviser can provide additional information on these requirements.
More information on General Education policies for transfer students can be found on the Transfer Credit & Degree Completion page.
Repeated Courses:
Per the NDSU Repeat Policy, once a course has been taken and completed at NDSU, it must be repeated at NDSU.
Students are allowed three repeat attempts per course. (An attempt includes a course completed for a grade. Dropped or withdrawn courses do not count.) If a transfer student has repeated a course more than three times in transfer, the most recent attempt will be accepted.
If a course is repeated at a single institution, the repeat attempts will be recorded in transfer as the issuing institution has recorded on the transcript. The NDSU Repeat Policy will apply to students who have repeated courses between multiple institutions.
- Career and Advising Center:
- Advising Contacts:
- Advising Resources: